midwife crisis

By lulubelle

A winters day in Cloughjordan

A glorious winter sunny day, ideal for outdoor cleaning jobs! The car got it first, then the downstairs windows, then upstairs windows, then inevitably it had to be the indoor windows too. By then we had secured the help of our neighbours daughters who at 8yr and 10 yrs proved very helpful 'house elfs'. They liked that title....I got loads more work out of them after calling them Dobby 1 and 2. They got their own back of course, by challenging us to a skipping contest. I will just slip this in quietly - I won! Couldn't speak for several minutes after, but so what?!!

This is a view of the project looking up to the old main street in Cloughjordan with the Prod church spire. The new eco project is directly connected to the original village centre via a wide pedestrianised walk way, encouraging integration and giving a feel of connectedness. It gets used a lot and its so nice to have a car free area . Although none of the roads here in the project link up to other roads, so it's only slow traffic to houses through a few windy lanes.
Today is a low carb day. And it feels good :0)

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