Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

In Pixels and Oil

Gardened a bit today. Weeded the surrounds of the older lemon tree, debugged it (only one stink bug today), checked the other trees, and set to work dead-heading the roses and removing all the black-spot (surprisingly little, compared to previous years; maybe I'm taking care of them better...). While there I noticed this little beauty and popped back in for the camera.

Played Cluedo with the kids - their first time; they seemed to really like it - and later, when mrs tsuken was back from the gym, we finished the game of Monopoly we started yesterday. Unbelievably, I won. I think for the first time ever. (I had Park Lane and Mayfair, with 4 (four) houses on each; I bankrupted everyone in fairly quick succession.)

Then we had visitors: the juvenile rosella I blipped a couple of days ago, and one of its parents. The thing I really like about this one is the way the bokeh has rendered; it looks (to me) like an oil painting. With the photographic foreground as contrast. I'm really quite pleased.

Do look largerer.

I took a few more photos - all with the Sigma 30mm - and some were good: the juvenile, looking a bit askance; a bit of tooth-picking or foot-nibbling by the young'un; and the parent looking rather intently my way.

As I mentioned some days ago, my new/old Takumar Bayonet 28mm is the one for my January "Single in..." challenge; so (just because of reasons) here's how it looks attached to my K-30.

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