Variations on a theme.

I grew up thoroughly enjoying "Fry-up". Imagine my surprise to find it's, apparently, called "Bubble & Squeak", with the title of Fry-up seemingly awarded to the "Full English Breakfast". Is it ANY bloody wonder the English squeaking peoples of the world can't understand one another when we can't even agree within the same country.
Ours, however, was never presented in a clearly defined "cake" form: always just spooned out of the pan.

Just to check I thought I'd Google© (Other wotnots are available) for both.
"Fry up" images are ALL of the Full English Breakfast.
"Bubble & Squeak" images are ALL variations on our Fry-up.

I was TOTALLY gobsmacked to find you can actually buy the perishing stuff ready made by a firm I'd not buy from if I was starving.
Yup, them again.

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