With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Live life leaf light

Time to chill out and digest a bit.

Some managed a bit of a book, some managed a rest in this glorious sun. How welcome it all was after wonderful wind and pig in the mountains yesterday! There were a few deadlines to be met and a few moments it seemed like everything might go a bit wonky donkey, but it all weaved out. Mrs P, AKHF, myself and the boys got to Palma to return some things and buy some things in return and then to Theatre ISLA with their high energy fun production of A Christmas Carol. I loved it and thanks guys for keeping some tickets back for us!

Back for some more pig (loin this time) and we are now talking about sausage making. Things start changing and evolving tomorrow as one small boy is off to his (half) home town in the middle of the country. He will see sausages hanging from the ceiling there in the garage load. Viva tradition!

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