Race for life!

An oddball day! Hubby drove youngest fledgling to work with her car while I followed on behind as she would be home later this evening. While following this estate pulled out in front of me but insdted of speeding up she was so slow I almost hit her! followed her and noticed she had a big lab in the very bck of the car but there was so much stuff round the poor beast he couldnt turn & his nose was up against the window. I kept on following her and the suddenly she started weaving all over the road, I thought she had a blow out but no she finally brought the car under control. Then she started tailgating the car hubby was driving, finally when hubby turned into the hotel car park, I drove along to the cop shop and gave them her reg number as her car was so overloaded she was a daanger to all others plus the poor dog was panting like mad and she had no window open! Cops said they would pull her up and check .
Earlier I stopped to offer a lift to that soldier who is walking round the country to help injured squaddies. HE didnt want a lift and when I offered him money he asked I do it online, so I just said take it and get lunch. He seemed a nice chap, said his name was Christian, very apt I thought. So there a really oddball day. Chilling with a glass of Mead with a dash of whicky, delish

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