the little world of me

By MrsCuppaT

Boxing day with my family

Our tradition is to have Christmas day at home with Hubby's Mum over for lunch and pressie opening. Boxing Day is kind of a 2nd Christmas as we go to my parents to celebrate with my Mum, Dad, Sister and Nephew (in top picture!) My Grampy spent the day with us too as its his first Christmas without Gran. He had been poorly and had been in hospital for a week but he seemed quite comfortable in the madness that is my wonderful family.
He did want to know if his horse had come in at the boxing day races, and was fascinated when hubby looked it all up on the internet via his phone. Unfortunately the trainers had decided not to race but Grampy thought they may race him tomorrow!
No Christmas is complete without Dad trying to light the Christmas pud with whatever alcohol he can find at the back of the cupboard!

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