Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView


It's still incredibly windy but, thankfully, we've had a few bursts of sunshine today.

Denzel has been feeding on and off for most of the morning and actually stayed on the feeder when I replenished the seed!!!!

The Wrinklies have returned to the South Coast, the Christmas decorations and now packed away and back in the loft, the washing and ironing done and dusted.

Hubby and I are leaving tomorrow lunchtime for a remote location in Wales (no mobile phone signal, no land line, no internet or even a television) for a small, well deserved, break. Our house sitter is totally geared up for the feeding of our menagerie, fox, birds, cats etc so we can totally "Chill Out".

One Problem Though ....... I'm going to be unable to blip unless we drive 8 miles each day to an internet cafe. I've not missed one single day since starting blip and am going to do my utmost to continue ...... please do bear with me.

Update on Auntie Doreen ... She returned home yesterday afternoon and is doing really well. Thank you all so much for your good wishes.


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