Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

From Bad To Worse

Yesterday's trip to the theatre was a welcome escape from ongoing situations we have at Dumbuck Towers - and all are to do with water.

Our shower leaks into the kitchen below and despite literally hundreds of pounds spent on investigations, the leak cannot be traced and therefore stopped.

As a consequence of that, the kitchen area is a bomb site.

We now have cracks in the face of main house wall, discovered when new windows were installed last week, meaning when it rains water flows (and flows is the correct description) into the living room via the window frame.

And what's today's news? Boiler. Leaking. You can just see the drip in the blip! Now it's a waiting game for emergency engineer from Scottish Gas to arrive.

On top of the above, by broadband challenges with BT are ongoing. Engineer visited this morning early doors, but couldn't help as it was the wrong call type. Apparently the fault we have is not within his remit!

I'm gonna scream!!

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