Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


I'm a firm believer in the saying 'what goes round comes round'. Today was my community AGM and I have been ousted as President. There was a definite conspiracy going on with the German contingent of the estate, as they all came out of the woodwork to vote at the AGM. I am saddened to say that two of the English community voted against me, and I have no idea why. I have bent over backwards to help these people, the annoying thing is that one of the couples have actually sold their house and are going to the solicitors on Monday to sign the contracts, so morally they should not have even voted, as they have decided the fate of the new owners. It also means that the other couple who voted against me have now alienated themselves from the rest of the English, and for once Grahem spoke and told them in no uncertain terms what he and the rest of us thought about them. I wonder how long it will be before they put their house on the market!!

When I took over as President I inherited a debt of 2000 euros, today the new President inherited a surplus of 6500 euros. The other sad thing about today is they also ousted our adminstrator on the grounds that her company was too expensive, the Germans have voted in a new administrator at a saving of 9 euros per household per year, I have a saying 'you get what you pay for'. It will be interesting when the accounts are presented next year as to the actual amount that we have been charged in relation to the percieved amount.

It is interesting that the new President is a German who was our President for 5 years from 2000-2005, and today no one wanted to be his vice president, not even one of his compatriates, which I think speaks volumes about his character and management skills, so we have a president with no committee support. All the English have now taken the stance of 'we will do what we like, when we like', and stick two fingers up to the President.

For my part I am disappointed, but not upset, it means that I can get my life back again, and not have people knocking on my door at 11pm telling me that the community watering system is not working properly and that we have water running down the pathways, or that the pool lights are on when they should be off.

Hence the book title, because thats what today has been 'A Conspiracy of Evil', and they will get their comuppence!! And Sarah it means when you come out on holiday next year, we will NOT obey the 'be quiet after midnight' rule as I no longer have to set a good example.

We went to the Punjabi Palace and had an excellent meal with Steve and Karen from No. 41.

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