Boxing Day

The temperature variations in a day here are quite astonishing. We walked early around Spring Lake where the ground was still covered with frost and we wished for our gloves in the shadier areas. By the time I was taking down the wreath on the front porch, which is a sun trap, it felt like it was 80 degrees. Ozzie soaked in the sun for a few minutes but soon got too hot and came back inside. This year has had less rainfall than any year since records have been kept.

I celebrated Boxing Day by taking down the tree and packing all the ornaments away for another year. We leave Saturday for Southern California to celebrate NeYear's Eve with my brother, and son Matt's birthday on January 5 . The tree looked ready to spontaneously combust, so we thought it best to remove it from the house.

Just as I always feel like a simple omelet and a piece of fruit after the excesses of Christmas, I wandered the garden looking for an antidote to Christmas decor excesses. I took pictures of bowls full of glittery ornaments and red satin bows to refer to next year, but I decided the symmetry of a delicate little agave in a pot outside our bedroom door was more refreshing.

David came by this afternoon to finalize bathroom remodeling plans. Construction begins the day we leave.

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