Tree Line Storm Cloud

I saw some beautiful photos my friend had posted of their boxing day walk, the generations sharing the sun as they walked on the beach. It was in stark contrast to the weather here, dark foreboding storm clouds rolling ominously over the sky. The temperature didn't really climb at all and there was a chill that hung all day.

The rain only briefly abated and there was the slightest glimmer of blue sky, I didn't venture far, only down through the fields at the end of our little lane, the twins took one look at the sky and retreated to the sanctity of the dining room their tablets much more appealing apparently than a wellie booted wander with their old dad!!!! I wasn't out for long as the rain was coming again and shot only a few frames retreating to the kitchen, kettle on, my friend's playlist accompanying my reading. It seemed like a wasted day, nothing achieved, a tiredness lingering but maybe that was just the sleeplessness of the last few days catching up with me...

I hope you enjoy the shot today, stormy and angry but the best I could muster

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