
By Kangaroo

Perhaps the day after Xmas, Boxing Day.

Dr Seuss-like, the plants on my daughter's verandah reach to the roof. Like Xmas-star decorations on their own behest, they might otherwise sport a Xmas-fairy configuration of leaves, but no, evolutionary adaptation of the Xmas story chose the star for its model & sculpted accordingly. You can guess probably I'm having a reflective moment sitting on a couch on the verandah in dappling hot sun when I notice this fantastic image against the background of hot blue sky & see beautiful eucalypts through the blind. Boxing Day is still Xmas. We pack our travel needs then, camera, mobiles, batteries, glasses (spectacles) cloth, money for incidentals for another dinner table & fare for the tram, and bottles of wine, put on our hats & walk in the hot sun under a daze of beautiful blue sky to catch the tram to where we went next to meet up with daughter from London & her partner & son from Gold Coast in Queensland & two munchkins...& other loved family. The day was perfect not without its personal stress, but perfect.

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