The story so far...


It's Christmas!!

Christmas Day has rolled around again. Santa decided the boys had been good (he obviously didn't get the memo about cam) and lots of presents were left under the tree when we came down this morning. Cam however didn't give two hoots about presents and could only focus on food and his train set all day with a demand for toast being made as soon as he got to the living room. After much persuasion he eventually got round to opening his presents but it wasn't quite the manic excitement and 'wow's' we had been expecting. He wasn't even interested in the tractor nanny and grandad bought him.
Ollie on the other hand was taking his first christmas all in his stride and had a smile on his face all day despite felling under the weather with those pesky teeth. He lived the teddy rocker Santa gave him but his favourite gift was the dog he was given of his big brother.
A huge dinner including a four bird roast (quail, pheasant, duck and chicken) plus a joint of beef meant everyone was stuffed and cam ate tons of food (after his obligatory daily temper tantrum over nothing) including a bowl full of meat and stuffing plus veg along with his constant supply of chocolate from grandad.
Both babies were very lucky boys today and received lots of lovely presents from friends and family. An exhausting day but a lovely one. Now we just have to find space for all the new toys!!

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