At Scarborough: Little big truck...

Beau has been woken with a heavy weight on his toes. Father Christmas answered his letter, and prayers for that matter with a large remote control tractor.

He had spied this tractor earlier in the year, whilst recuperating from his tonsillitis operation. The huge green tractor also came with a huge green price tag, which led the response to his pleading question, "Please can I have one?" to be... "no Beau, we just can't afford something this big"

He took my response well at the time. I remember that. I remember being proud of him for understanding the adult complexities of finance at such a young age. That said, its not that much has changed, apart from the same tractor was in the 'sale' shelf of the shop. Santa had waved his magic wand over the price tag, reducing it by a third of that original price.

As you might imagine, Beau jumped out of his skin, leaping around, desperate to drive his tractor at sunrise.

He left the house, in his sleep suit, slippers and at least a warm hat!

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