
By ElectricFish

The Rope

In the lead-up to Christmas two wreaths were thrown into an angry, raging sea at Skerries harbour in memory of David and Ronan who went to sea for a few hours in April 2011 to check their lobster pots…The sea gave them back nine days later to the nets of The Guiding Light, tied together with rope, friends in life, not to be separated in death, in the tradition of seafarers.
Today as I walked the beach I found the wreaths, washed up… Wrapped around one was a rope, symbolic of the one that bonded these friends forever…. This evening the winds are howling and the seas unforgiving… As I stood alone on Loughshinny pier this I was thankful my family were home safe …..And tonight I am thinking of a friend and hope she is really waving and not drowning....just saying

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