A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Eeeeh! That was the best day.

Took HRH to work at 7.30. Walked across the bridges in the frost. Made sure Mam and Beloved were ok.

Then drove up the military road with the radio on and sang at the top of my voice. Stopped at Brocolitia to take this.

Went up so see T and we decided to go to Steel Rigg to go for a walk. It was like Oxford Street. There were people having a picnic with deck chairs and everything, right on the side of Hadrian's Wall. I then slipped and went off like a bobsleigh on my bottom right past the picnic. We have never laughed so much forever. It felt brilliant. I was soaked, but it was worth it.

How I love to laugh. The best bit of the festive season so far.

(I will not mention the two Boxing Day hunts I tried to avoid. They seemed to think they owned the road and anything in their path. One woman was sitting on her horse having a fag in the middle of the road.)

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