
By LeeAnne

Christmas Eve...

I slept late and pottered round the flat feeling sorry for myself before making the decision to pull myself together. The prospect of being at home alone didn't fill me with joy. Not when I could share my misery with my best mate and hope that some of her ridiculously cheery excitement would rub off. Jaime is due her baby on Boxing Day so knowing that my Sarah would be on her own too just wasn't right. I packed and got in the car and figured that concentrating on something else might make me feel better. First time ever the journey jelly babies didn't take a hit.

I arrived to much cheer, right decision. Popped in to see Jaime who looks as though she's about to pop then we came back to Sarah's and plonked in front of the TV. We were in bed before midnight and it dawned on me that there are two other empty beds yet still I climb in beside Sarah. Out like a light I was too!

Merry Christmas to you all when it arrives x

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