My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Swan Song

After I'd managed to set the 400mm lens up on the camera I spent ages photographing the little Goldfinches on the feeders, when I glanced at the river and saw a swan gliding by.
I dashed down to the river bank and then had to get some bread to entice it nearer. I took 50+ shots of her which I was more than happy with when she started to swim back upriver. A short distance up she stopped, preened herself and dropped this feather into the river. I was frantic whether I would have a chance to capture it as the current is quite strong at present due to all the rain we've had and it was approaching at a rate of knots.
I had one chance at it and this is the result. I've changed it to mono as I think it gives more definition to both the feather and the flowing water.

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