The Christmas Kid

I took only 10 pictures today. It seems like our family doesn't do the group pictures like we used to. But...we do have a baby.

Christmas just isn't the same without little ones. So much better to see the holiday through the eyes of a little one. So, we were happy when little Merrick showed up 3 years ago...even if he does accost people at the back door as they enter. "Presents...any presents for me?"

He opens all his gifts, then helps you open yours. He got a lot of things that have sirens. Fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances. Noisy, but a good noisy.

My kids surprised me with a new Florida toy. You ever see those old geezers at sunset that are combing the beaches with metal detectors? OH YEAH BABY! Count me in that club. I am now "that guy." Just think of the treasures that await.

Maybe I'll even take it up to Northern Michigan with me, and try to find the class ring of mine that Lisa lost in Lake Charlevoix. (Alas...that's a story for another time.)

Hope everybody had a great Christmas. Ho...Ho...Ho.

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