Christmas in the Mac house

First of all I would like to say Merry Christmas to everyone!

This is the one known as the youngest daughter doing the blip today. I am the one in the onesie so you can put a face to a name. As you can see its a very busy day for us and I would like to say a big thanks to my mam and dad for everything they gave to all 3 of us, we were spoilt good and rotten by them. But a bigger thanks to my mam for the fab dinner that she made for us all tonight and how do I say thanks for this wonderful meal, I spill my dad's glass of red wine into the sprouts as soon as her back is turned to the table. I tried to pass it off as a way of making them taste better I don't think she believed me.

I hope they were happy with everything we got them because they need to spoilt more than us. So they got a lot of goodies such as the biggest jar of flying saucers and an even bigger jar of liquorice. They seem to like them because the flying saucers didn't even make it through the day. But the best present the was given was to me from my wee mama and that was the biggest, fluffiest pair of slipper boots known to man. They are known as my eskimo boots now. So a good day was had by all and I hope you were all as happy with your gifts as we were with ours. I have to say the best thing about this time of year is everyone coming home and spending the day together just being merry.

Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a great new year.

P.S. The A key on this keybroad is broken and the laptop was about to go out the window and I didn't realise how many words have the letter A in it.

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