Jim- Happy Again!

By dougiebuster

Tenerife 9 - Merry Christmas!

What a day!
Lazy morning not opening presents - Liz gave me mine a few months ago so that I could try it out before coming to Tenerife - Thank you babe!
Other presents will have to wait until we get back home as our baggage allowance was already over the limit.
Then we drove up into the clouds again, and found what looked and felt like the forest stage of a rally.
Our hire car is an AlfaRomeo, so it just had to be tried out!
Then a walk up through a forest in the sunshine to see some very weird rock formations that they call the 'Lunar Landscape' - very odd.
Then home to a lovely meal made by Liz.

A fine Christmas Day!

I hope you all had a great time too.


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