
By roadster17

Christmas mk1

Today we didn't have " Christmas" as Mr H was working, we are having it tomorrow so we can share it as a family.

Today we were invited to some friends to go for a Christmas dog walk and light lunch.

About 10 minutes into the walk Angus decided he was going to practise his agility skills , on a less than suitable 9 ft sheer drop! My heart was in my mouth for a second or too and even more so as he limped towards me on three legs!!

After some TLC and a cuddle, ( being carried ) he decided he'd have another go at walking and all pain was forgotten! Unfortunately on closer inspection he has badly grazed his paw, taking the fur and skin off.

Angus has form for chewing even minor skin nicks and so his Xmas afternoon has been spent with a lampshade on preventing any further damage!

Here's looking forward to our festivities tomorrow!

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