Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Christmas Children

Both kids made it to 06.30 (well C was put back in bed at 06.15 and W had a pee stop at 01.50, during which he was oblivious to the bulging stocking on his door knob!) They both had a lovely time opening the stockings, joy over simple things like Santa leaving W an apple instead of a satsuma was lovely to see. W had a little wobble as he was getting dressed as he whispered to me that he was a little sad that he hadn't got any of the things on his list, so Mummy explained that they were possibly under the tree and he cheered up!

Church done we returned home and waited for N and P to arrive, then we went into the main room. Both children were very lucky and very grateful. W in particular insisted on saying thank you and dispensing huge hugs before he opened his parcels!

Dinner was had, then the children put on one of two dressing up outfits they each received and we played LEGO Shave the Sheep and the game Santa gave to Carys. Shave the Sheep was funny and both of them ganged up on me to steal my wool. Bad children!

A really lovely day.

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