Wood elf
The little yew wood on the south side of Arnside Knott has a touch of myth and magic about it, particularly when the sun penetrates the deep shade of the canopy. And on Christmas Day morning, as I was out walking shortly after sunrise, I found this little wood elf there. It's the big, pointy elfin ears that are the give away. He was a very friendly little elf, and he followed me home, and is now settled by Wifie's feet in front of the fire.
After the windy, grey wet days that preceded it, today was calm and mild, and the sun shone throughout. As well as wood elves, the birds were celebrating the day - great spotted woodpeckers drumming, ravens cronking and nuthatches calling repetitively. While the house slumbered on, Gus and I completed our walk while the turkey was cooking gently in the oven.
Eduardo is with us for Christmas, and the dinner was a good team effort. The Xmas pud was reserved until we had been out for another walk over the Knott with Gus, or else we would never have made it up the hill.
Happy Christmas to everyone in Blip Land!
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