Truffle's First Christmas

An early start thanks to the puppy of the house....six AM....not sure we were ever woken so early by any of the children!

...however it did mean I got a head start on the cooking, which considering there was beef, pork and turkey meant there was minimal shelf juggling.

Everyone was up and opening presents by ten....even the puppies had a stocking, but the cats had to make do with some turkey after lunch!

Christmas Pud is on hold until later, or maybe tomorrow, and I think everyone is having a nap....I am going to stick it out and power on through to an early night

DS1 had to go back to his flat, he escaped his girlfriend's vegetarian christmas by claiming I was a Christmas Nazi and that he HAD to be here instead!! I have sent him home with some leftovers so he can have a nice turkey sandwich after work tomorrow!

It's been lovely and relaxing..I hope all your days have been likewise! Merry Christmas blipland!

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