Le Scrabble
A very relaxing day. It started late, after an unwise late night for me and Mr B, but had all the expected elements: pancakes, presents, lunch (foie gras), dinner (duck), movies (Singin' in the Rain and Snow White), Christmas pudding (aflame) and - still to come - cake.
In the middle of all this was our first game of French scrabble. Tricky... We could have done with many more Es. Despite having the poorest knowledge of French words, Mr B's scrabble expertise paid off and he won comfortably. CarbBoy was a surprise second place, with TallGirl and I bravely battling for last place. I blame my poor performance on the fact that I was making dinner at the time...
There was also time for a sit out in the sun with some very fine champagne. Making new Christmas traditions!
A very happy day to all in blip land.
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