Striking a chord
The article was in the paper today, and it's not bad. They quote the points I make in my letter, and then quote the points the organisation made in reply. Obviously I think my points are all well-founded and reasonable and their points are all lies, or else I wouldn't have written the letter in the first place. So, no surprises really. The article, if you're interested, is on p3 of the East Lothian Courier. It's not on the on-line version yet (or I can't find it) but is called: "Charity Refutes Claims" if anyone cares to search for it.
I haven't been subject to the predicted lynching in the village (yet - did I see some men busy constructing stocks on the green?) and indeed have had lots of support. It's all about transparency: if the charity has nothing to be ashamed of, then they should be honest about their mission and methods.
My mind was very much on the religion in schools issue today, I was chatting to a friend a wee while ago whose son has recently started school and they've been taken by surprise by the religious content of assemblies. So I had a few hours researching that. Imagine my surprise when Katherine came out of school today clearly bursting to tell me something.
"How was your day?" I asked
"We had to write a prayer"
"For the Harvest Assembly. We had to write to thank God for the good harvest."
"And how did you feel about that?"
"I didn't like it. I told Mrs ________ that I didn't want to write a prayer because I'm not religious. She said that didn't matter, that some people are like that, and I should write it anyway."
"Did you write it?"
"Yes, but she says someone will have to read their prayer out in assembly and I don't want to."
Sigh. And so it begins. Again. In P1 she had a creationist teacher and was in tears (Katherine, not the teacher) when I explained geology to her because she thought I was lying. I let it go that time because it was all new to me and I didn't want to make a fuss. Now I'm just sad and depressed about the whole thing - but have to say something. Happily parent/teacher consultations are just around the corner.
Anyway, to the picture. For anyone who's read this far, there's a contest, and a PRIZE. Here is the inside of our piano. The lid is unusually up because it's started making some horrible vibrating noises with the lid down. Mr B is playing a chord. If you can guess the chord, you'll get a package of the finest Geordie Granny fudge that money can't buy, delivered to your door.
The only clues I can give you are:
- it's a minor chord
- this is the middle bit of the piano
- there are 4 notes being played (the odd looking damper hard up against the cross-bar at the back of the shot is not being played, it always looks like that)
Good luck...
QUICK EDIT: In case I have waaaay misjudged the hardness of this test... only the first person to guess the chord gets fudge... Any subsequent correct guesses just get the satisfaction of being right.
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