
The sounds for the day ahead.

Namely -

1) The four discs that make up the Phil Spector Back To Mono box set
2) The Best Of Chet Baker Sings
4) Dave Godin's Deep Soul Treasures Vols. 1-4

Dave who? I came across Dave plenty of times when I lived in Sheffield in the late 1980s, Dave was the man who managed the brilliant Anvil Civic Cinema, a little 3 screen independent in the middle of town - the place where I first got exposed to the likes of Eraserhead, Peter Greenaway films, French New Wave stuff and all manner of cult and esoteric late-night gems. Dave was always around the place, a little man with beard and glasses who looked the epitome of your stereotypical film geek.

However, many years later when I worked at Fopp I came across a CD compiled by someone called Dave Godin. I knew the name from somewhere but couldn't place it, but then as soon as I saw his photo on the back cover it all clicked into place. That Dave Godin! A bit of research later and I discovered that not only was this the man who first coined the term 'Northern Soul' but also the man who first introduced Mick Jagger to 'black' music and the man who was feted by Motown on his visits to Detroit. In short, an absolute legend. And I'll think of Dave, the man who ran the Anvil, when I'm playing his CDs today.

Volume 1, Track 1.

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