
By SeaGypsy49

Storm clouds.

After expecting rain, (as forecast) we actually had wonderful weather. Just before I took this late this afternoon, the temperature was 30 deg outside, and 27 deg C inside.
Craig's knee needed redressing again this morning, and is now looking a lot better.
The dogs did a runner this morning, up the hill and PJ is out searching for them again. He has spent nearly 4 hours tramping around the hills trying to find them. We only hope they come home, maybe when the rain comes, they will decide it is time to return. They have been so good lately too.
Update; just about a minute after I posted this, PJ rang to say they had just come pounding down the track after him. He now has them on a lead, and they are heading home. What a relief.
I also back blipped a photo for yesterday, of them trying to get the Starlings under our floor.

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