not so secret santa

the handmade (or not if you don't want to) not so secret santa gift exchange got underway tonight - a day early for various reasons. we all got ace presents and all agreed that this could be the last year that the handmade aspect is included - we're too busy these days. it may be back sometime in the future.

I got a fantastic nordic jumper from mum which I love love love and a lovely linen peg bag - thanks mum! and I made dad a flagpole for the garden with a saltire to go on it and some fiery lime pickle. I think he liked it all - I look forward to seeing the flagpole up in the garden...and I'll make him a belgian flag too.

otherwise we've spent the day getting the house ready for 15 folk tomorrow, peeling veg, stuffing the turkey and getting those pigs into their blankets.

the girls are so excited - peggy was worn out by the time we got home from mum and dad's, so much so we nearly forgot to put something out for santa - the horror!

they're all in bed now - not sure if they're all sleeping - so me n' bee are watching it's a wonderful life as usual until we're sure. christmas eve is the best day, so exciting.

...and dance by the light of the moon...*sniff*
it's the bit with old mr. gower that gets me every time...

have a lovely christmas eve everyone!

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