
They're off to bed. A little bit hyper but tired so that should be the last we'll hear of them until morning. They've been told 8am and if things work to the usual plan and they wake up with stockings by their beds that'll keep them going until the appointed time.

I'm pretty sure Santa's looking forward to the Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban. I don't think he's tried this and will probably appreciate the nose being full of winter berries and a touch of port, particularly with the oak and a little cereal hanging in the substratum. He might find the palate is a little too sweet and thick. And if it's true that the port note is chewy and rich with notes of barley sugar and cereal and lots of juicy fruit and berries, he'll maybe find it a tad cloying. Maybe I should swap the sweet biscuits for something savoury - a strong cheddar and a couple of oatcakes. I think he'd prefer that. From what I've heard. Aye.

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