Christmas Cake Surprise!

What a day!

I think we got off lightly with just a missing chimney cowel and a few plant pots where they arn't supposed to be....but......

had a nightmare journey to work this morning which consisted of dodging tree's, lamp posts, fence panels, tipped over lorries and floods. The worst part was negotiating a river across a road, only to find another one round the next corner even deeper, but a queue of cars behind me and an over turned lorry ahead of me, so no choice but to go straight ahead, through the river!!! My heart was in my mouth! A few more miles down the road where a few more fallen trees and yet another flood that I wasn't going to risk this time!

I did however, get to work eventually, and on time as I had allowed extra time to get there. Thankfully my afternoon session got cancelled so was I was home by 1.30 instead of 7pm - oh what a wonderful feeling that was! (and on full pay!)

The only instruction I had left Mr W while I was at work was to decorate the Christmas cake - if he wanted to!! And he did! Bless him. the cake he said he was going to bake all December then 4 days before Christmas decided I could do it!!! I was so happy! I think he did a pretty good job considering all we had was red and blue food colouring and a few silver balls!

So, my working year is complete and all I have left to do it open a box of chocolates or 2 and heat up the mulled wine!!!

Merry Christmas everyone and to all a Goodnight!

HoHoHo - 1 more sleep to go!!!

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