2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

So that's how he does it

It's a huge job for Santa Claus to get to every participating house on Christmas Eve.

Even with the help of different time zones it's still a massive undertaking.

I have often wondered how he does it.

Now I know and I have special permission from the man himself to share with blipland.

You see, many months ago we received a letter asking if we would be willing to go on the "Advanced drop list."

The criteria were strict and we have not been allowed to say anything about it until today.

The criteria were:

We would be willing to accept the gifts in advance.

Not to allow any chlidren to see the presents under the tree before 5pm UK time on Christmas Eve.

Not to open any present before Christmas Day.

Santa also asked if any blippers might fit the strict criteria.
If you think you are up to the task you can apply to Santa direct.

Have a wonderful Christmas.

Not to open any presents

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