Countdown to Christmas - Home Made Christmas

2 bottles of Sloe Gin
2 bottles of Limoncello
2 bottles of Spiced Aranchello

2 x 12 Shah Biscuits

And there should be some knitted mittens, neck warmers and wrist warmers in the shot , but I forgot to include them.


1. Sloe Gin: Sloes, gin and sugar have been infusing since the beginning of November.

2. Limoncello: Zest of 5 lemons, 1 bottle of high proof Vodka, 500 gms sugar. Infuse for 2 weeks = A delicious lemony liqueur to drink neat (iced) or to pour over ice cream.

3. Spiced Arancello. (My favourite of the 3 drinks I've made)
Infuse for a minimum of 2 weeks the zest of 4 oranges, 2 mulled wine sachets, 1 bottle of high proof Vodka and 500 gms sugar = a delicious spiced orange liqueur to warm the cockles of your heart - or add a slug to a glass of something fizzy for a pre Christmas dinner drink.

4. Shah Biscuits - the easiest biscuits in the world - they always turn out well.

7oz plain flour
4oz castor sugar
4oz butter or margarine
2 tablespoon golden syrup
an egg
two pinches salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger

Warm the butter, add all the other ingredients and mix well until completely combined.
Put dollops ( about 30 gms) well apart on a baking tray lined with baking paper, bake at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes - or until light golden in colour.

Makes about 20 slightly chewy biscuits with a mild ginger flavour!

Labels made from last year's Christmas cards.

Now they all need to be wrapped.

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