All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Breakfast with Santa

I'm not sure how many times is the norm for a child to see Santa before Christmas each year, but I think today was Ethan's 5th time in a month!

We had booked to go and have Breakfast with Santa at Dobbies. His pal Anna and her mum went along with us too. It was great fun! Cereal and a sausage roll for the kids breakfast, pass-the-parcel and musical bumps, a story telling session from Santa, then presents! What a fun morning.

Ethan had been up during the night though with a headache and I still don't think he was 100% today either. We were watching the film Cars back home after lunch and both of us fell asleep! Very unusual for him to have a daytime nap these days (and even more unusual for me to have one at the same time)! As a result though, it's now 9pm and he's still wide awake!

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