Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


After last night's festivities I confess that we had rather a slow start today... But we were up in time to meet Carol (over from Lancaster) for a delicious vegan breakfast (no, that's not an oxymoron!) at Greendays on Lark Lane. Albeit, the breakfast was eaten at lunchtime...

While we were there we ran into this lovely woman, whose name I didn't get, but who was happily opening a just-arrived birthday package from her "husband to be" at the table next to ours. As she opened each carefully wrapped item in the shoe-box sized parcel she practically cooed with delight and each gift seemed to have been perfectly chosen for her. When she discovered a ticket to see Stephen Malkmus and The Jicks play in Paris, it was as if her life was complete!

I loved her happiness and asked whether she'd mind me taking a picture of her - she didn't!

In other news, Spokes and I have been deciding what we'd call our band, if we had a band.

So far, we've narrowed it down to four possibilities.

The Haunted Cushions
The Typewriters
Arthur's Sneakers
Birds at Night

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