
By Grimsayer


Today it rained, then it rained some more and then it rained again. And it was windy and some too.
The house has sprung a couple of leaks - not surprisingly from the water pressure I expect it is experiencing. However the wind has remained outside where it should be.
By the middle of the afternoon some energy had to be expended so a brave party of myself and two darling sons headed off to make an ascent of Buckland Beacon. Looking at the amateur state of the kit being worn, we hoped the mountain rescue lot would not see us. No fear about that as nobody really could see anything - apart from a few moments when we are at the top and it magically cleared.
I had sensibly put on the full waterproof kit and removed it at the end of the walk and was a little dismayed to get a thorough dowsing from a squall when I left the car for about thirty seconds to take this photo. The price of blipping. I hope you can feel the rain and the wind in the photo!

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