trains, planes & automobiles

A combination of factors made me think of the John Candy film this afternoon.

First, a reluctant trip to the local shopping centre & supermarket. The air of hysteria made me wonder what it's all about (as I do every year) and reminded me of the seasonal hysteria in the movie.

(I think it was Thanksgiving, not Christmas, but the hysteria is the same).

Next, news reports from Scotland about the A9 (main road between Perth & the north) being closed by snow and folk being "trapped" between the closed snow gates. The movie again...

Last, meeting D's teenagers at the station after their 5+ hour train trip from Chemnitz (via Bayreuth & Nürnberg). D was working, so "Dad's taxi" resumed operations very briefly.

They'd been to visit their grandma (Oma Gisela) on their dad's side (she does a great job of staying in contact) who lives in Bayreuth. She took them to the opera - Handsel & Gretel - in Chemnitz as a treat.

The Blip is a rubbish shot of a local train heading off for Eichstätt. But sometimes the Blip is about the story as much as the photo...

PS. Sunny & 12c today. Wish I'd packed my shorts.

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