
The Rower and I spent a very pleasant half hour at Playford Lake late this afternoon. We went there yesterday as well, and I had the best time.

The Rower jogged around the lake THREE whole times, and I got to play Park Police Person.

There was an oriental gentleman preparing to fish off the little jetty. The sign clearly says "no fishing". We have turtles and baby birds and the lake is home to protected native fish. He didn't understand me - but I touched his fishing rod, and vehemently shook my head, saying "No, NO". I think he got the message. But he didn't want to give up - I had to stand there, pretending to take his photograph before he reluctantly packed up his gear. It was great fun.

Anyway today was a lot calmer, and we sat by the side of the lake and generally just soaked in the atmosphere. The reflections were lovely, I hope you agree.

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments, hearts and stars for my Sunset yesterday. I spent the best part of the day in the Spotlight - I really enjoyed the rarefied air up there. Thanks again.

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