Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Sweet Tooth?

Meet Memet Burak.
He makes Turkish Delight and nougat.
He is a wonderful character and probably the most hospitable man I have ever met.
Like most of the Turks in Side (see-day) he left school at a very young age, speaking only Turkish. He became a dry cleaner but after several years came to the conclusion that is was too hot and that the Turks stink (his words, not mine) so he became a Turkish Delight maker. He now has 3 shops (and his small factory) and speaks 7 langauges to a very reasonable standard.
He was surprised (but delighted) that I would want to take his picture.....but why not? - that is what holidays are about....meeting people and taking away memories.
The tray that he is holding up is 20kgs of pecan and pomergranite nougat (neither of which I normally like, but in this concoction............slurp)

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