Wet Wet Wet and Windy

We've been lucky this year. Rain fell a bit on the first day of the shooting season but otherwise we've been spoilt for dry days. Today we got our pay back, although it wasn't quite as bad as forecast. It sounds insane to say that it was enjoyable to be out, soaked to the skin and caked in mud, but it was.

Back home, I peeled off layers of clothing and put them straight into the washing machine. I carried the unrecognisable dogs to the bath to remove a thick layer of clay before letting them put paws to the ground.

I had planned to join everyone for a Christmas drink in the pub but, after photographing this feather, the attraction of the fireside and a snooze on the chair was far stronger.

The best thing about today is that it's the shortest. It may be the first day of winter but, tomorrow the day length will be one single second longer than today and a tiny step towards summer!

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