When I got up this morning it was to find that Freddie must have come downstairs during the night and eaten. Wonderful news. And he had a little bit more to eat for breakfast. We then had an appointment with the vet and he was pronounced much improved. His heart rate is down to 160. His thyroid and pancreatitis tests have come back clear, his liver is not perfect but not in need of treatment. So all we can do is encourage him to eat, keep him comfortable, and hope that we never have to leave him overnight at the vet's again where his heart rate goes off the scale. His heart is dodgy, but then as they said, it could have given up in the surgery just as well as here at home. And this is the only place he feels safe. Home.

The vet snipped Freddie's bandage off. When I tried he bit me.

Thank you for all your good wishes, for Freddie and for us, you are very kind. Freddie is our family and it has been a traumatic week. We will just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. And now I need to go open a tin of ...... sardines I think we'll try this time ......

Thank you again.

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