"The Old Goods Shed"...
...Something different today, and just around the corner really...
...Forgotten now, but we travel past this old shed at times and I've wanted to capture the sentiment of its time and so I walked in to where I could get a good angle of what is left of it, weathered and worn now, and in its heyday it would have been so busy right there..
...Sad to see these old sheds just rotting away isn't it, and we know there would have been hustle and bustle right there many years ago...no one goes there now, just a bit of graffiti here and there and the old bit of rubbish blown in from somewhere...
...The line runs straight past the old shed and out to the wheat terminal not far away as most of the grain grown in the Mallee districts travels along the line beside this shed down south to the the terminals there - ready for shipping overseas...
...Some day this old shed won't be here...and I know it's really no place for sentiment these days, but is it - and at least I can capture this proud old railway shed - In Time..yes, it shall be gone some day...
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