Off Centre

By RachelCarter

A little more festive

Finally begin to feel my back is getting better.

I'm still not managing to turn over in bed easily or without pain but I can do most things I need to during the day - even though I'm aware of having to be careful all the time. It's making me tired but I'm not so down.

I coped on only sprays and muscles rubs today and gave my liver and stomach a break from aspirin and paracetamol.

Joel was off college and we took him shopping with us - such a treat!

Then we popped over to Richard' mum's new house to hang pictures and help get things as normal-looking as possible. Richard's brother-in-law and niece were there too and it's feeling really homely and settled already. Richard's brother-in-law's 1-year-old granddaughter was there too - so that's my step-great-neice-in-law (!) I think - she's really cute and I got to have a cuddle and change a nappy and sing When You're Happy and You Know it and just generally say daft baby things. That always cheers me up.

We then went back to the church for Tess's school's final assembly. Back home I applied for Joel's provisional driving licence and wrapped a few presents and got the hampers I've been making finished.

Felt unbelievably shattered by the end of the day but so so glad to be able to move a bit more.

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