Snow is a four letter word

Overnight, the snow returned with a vengeance. Luckily, I didn't have to go out in the morning, it would have been a test of patience just to get to the main road.

For once, I used the time wisely. Ripped out a toilet that had a tiny, tiny, crack in the tank, and installed a complete new one. That took care of most of the day and then it was just a matter of caulking.

My life this week has been about anything but having time for myself, now that all the jobs are done, maybe I can enjoy myself.

Later, it was the staff Xmas party, and joy of joys, it was held at the golf club literally round the corner from me. Food was superb. 5 types of seafood, beef, turkey and every salad item that you can shake a stick at.

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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