Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Side Gate

Side (pronounced See-day and meaning 'Pomegranite') is a town on the Turkish Mediteranian coast. Its history goes back to the 7th centuary BC (although most of the existing stonework is around the 200AD mark).
Piracy and slavery were the principal money earners before the Romans came to prominance.
The old town still has a very well preserved amphitheatre which in its hay day sat 17,000 people and is still used during the summer months to stage dance/firework shows for the tourists.
Walking down to the old town there is an amazing amount of archiology right next to the road and the footpath still has mozaic which you walk on (none of this "Keep off" lark here).
Todays picture is of one of the town gates right next to the amphitheatre. It was taken at 5am as it was about the only time when I could take it without hundreds of tourists crawling all over it and the local certified luntics (affectioinately called 'drivers') hurtle through it not giving a damn as to whether somebody else may be using the same peice of road.

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