Another busy day!

Beginning to wonder when the madness will end....

Up and out the house by 8:10, parked and in Worcester by 8:40. Shops were opening as we walked around but it was much quieter than we knew it would be a few hours later.

Got what we had gone in for, along with a few extra bits and home by 10:30. Charlotte had a sleep, I wrapped presents.

Lunch and a play then headed to the retail park to buy a replacement baby mirror as I stupidly left nine in the hire car! Decided against this as the traffic was horrific, went to the annual NCT group catch up,. Our group is now only the four of us which is quite sad, one dropped out very quickly, one has moved to Shropshire, one has gone to Las Vegas! But, as always great to see them all together and see how they are growing into little people.

Popped into the retail park, got a mirror for £1.50? Ordered the one I really want. Home, tea, play, meltdown, bath, meltdown, milk, meltdown, bed, too many meltdowns to mention!

Apart from my brother coming tomorrow I am hoping for a quieter day. famous last words!

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