Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Haggis! Yeah!

I've passed this loads of times and keep meaning to blip it - its more one of those blips you keep in your 'blipbank' for just the right when you haven't done anything or been anywhere!

However, as it was on my route to the cinema, tonight was the right occasion ;o) Jo and I went to see "500(days of Summer)" which we both enjoyed very much and I hugely recommend! Totally my kinda thing, I do love a bit of relationship-y indi-ness :o)

We also haggis for tea the other night and that therefore is my very tenuous link to todays blip. OK I admit it, I was in all day and couldn't be bothered to take anything else...its called an emergency blip for a reason!

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