What are you doing?

This afternoon I left the house earlier so I could send off a couple of parcels at the post office before going to work. I had a few spare minutes to walk around the Christmas market before getting on the bus and even found something to blip there. This time I'd made certain that I had the compact camera with me but I couldn't take any photos with it because little daft me had failed to check whether I'd put the memory card back in it, which I hadn't! Fortunately my cockatiel Mieke had been the willing subject for a few shots again before I left the house.

The public transport had gone on strike while I was at work. As I found out later, there had been an incident during which a driver had become injured. This meant that there weren't any buses to get me home when I finished work at 6:30 pm. Fortunately my boss was so kind to offer to drive me and a colleague home but we were happy enough for him to drop us off within walking distance.

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