Candlelight and Crystals
The road home this morning was a lethal sheet of ungritted ice. At 5am, a few commuters were already on the move and willing to race despite the evidence of the nights rain having frozen hard on the surface. Traffic lights stopped me at a junction in Dorking so I can't be accused of speeding when I felt the car slipping below me as I pulled out onto the A25. Moments later a taxi decided to overtake and almost lost control. It was a hairy moment when he swerved in front of me but it didn't stop him. As the tail lights vanished in the distance I wondered if I'd find the car wrapped around a tree further ahead. I didn't... but know what I would have said had I done so. Foolish to risk his life and those of others.
Although W's condition is serious enough to warrant assistance round the clock, she has been struggling more than usual over the past fortnight. I had already made the decision not to go north for Christmas but W. now feels she may have to stay in her own house, equipped for all her needs, rather than staying overnight at her parents. I don't mind if she asks me to go in. It only means I have to keep off the alcohol... that can't be a bad thing!
In the meantime, having made a total mess of the rest of the house and collected another pile of rubbish on the floor to take to the dump... but can now get out of the back door which was barricaded after the new drive was put into the cottage. It was strange walking out into the now deserted courtyard but great to know I can now clean out, disinfect and use the pigsties as a studio, until the estate decide to turn the space into another dwelling.
My blip... I pulled out some decorations this morning and found some crystals I hang on the Christmas Tree. You can never be too old to play with the reflections of light that come from the facets. I lit a candle and took a photo. It wasn't going to be my blip but in the absence of anything else... :)
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